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In A Sentimental Mood

6 Mar

Life is But a Dream

27 Feb


In my dreams, you appear every time I want you, out of thin air.

In reality, you are a text message and four hours away.

In my dreams, you come to me through a hazy twilight, your silhouette transforming to your smooth, shimmery skin as you come nearer.

In reality, you knock on my hotel room door, I open it, throwing my arms around your cuddly, sweat shirted body.

In my dreams we lay together, peacefully, weightlessly defying gravity in the clouds, our two bodies contouring into one.

In reality, we lay in white sheets on a springy bed, intertwining our arms and legs, sharing our heat.

In my dreams our eyes float up from our faces, to see ourselves in birds eye view, allowing us to fully appreciate this moment.

In reality, we have a mirror.

In my dreams we converse honestly, sharing our deepest inner thoughts and feelings, and our hopes and dreams over breakfast.

In reality, we do the same.

C, life is but a dream with you.

(Had to quote Beyonce…)




19 Feb


Another weekend of You. You and all that encompasses: Good conversation involving deep thought, reflection, and consideration, good food and drinks ( a breakfast feast at home and a retro night out…and *cough* McDonalds *cough* ), time in your hugs, being nearer than near (though, somehow never enough), and… laughter. Not that we never laugh, but this weekend specifically can be defined by laughter for me. We laughed when we reminisced on our crazy summer, we laughed when we overheard conversations at dinner, and we definitely laughed while planning and filming our video on Saturday night. I love laughing with you. I love the way your mouth wants to smile so big and your skin can’t even handle it. Because it’s so real and pure, and it’s such a magical sound. It’s contagious and I just want to be around your laughter for always. I had so much fun with you last weekend, CBM. I am counting down the days to the next weekend of You: when I get to hear your smile again and be enveloped in your loving hugs (oh those hugs!)


Bakersfield and Mammoth

13 Feb


How is it possible that a weekend together can be described as both busy and mellow? How can we say we did so much yet so little? That we were so active; laughing, eating, driving, snowboarding, pillow chatting…but also did so much of, well, nothing.

I think it’s because being with you is so very effortless. No matter how much we do, how many things we cross off of our (never ending) list, I never get tired or bored, or need a break. I can go forever being with you, because it is simply put, easy.

I love your place in Bakersfield, I want to be there with you as much as I can. I want to take so many trips with you up and down the coast, even across the country in an RV. I want to try everything there is to try, with you there as my coach and supporter. Thank you for putting chains on the car during the blizzard and dealing with the frostbite (I am happy to warm you up), for teaching me to snowboard, for watching me fall and encouraging me to get up and keep going. For a delicious dinner. For fixing my board bindings and my boots and reminding me what size feet I have. What would I do without you?

I look forward to our next intrinsically colorful adventure!

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My Extra Blanket

18 Jan
C-It’s cold at night
I have 3 blankets
They twist around me and tangle throughout the night
Keeping me warm… Enough
But when I adjust to a colder spot of the bed
There’s a pause in my warmth
I need my extra blanket
The one that I poke in the middle of the night and it comes to me
Already warm
Fitting perfectly around me
Kissing the back of my neck
Sending tingles down my spine
My extra blanket
My best blanket
I miss you-J